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  1. 天然温泉:周末减压之旅全面升级,全靠一条密道:八烟温泉会馆附近的秘密通道,直通开阔的露天温泉,拥有令人惊叹的天然美景。
  2. 猫空缆车:把工作和所有的八卦抛诸猫空缆车。浸泡在景色中,漱饮台湾高山茶,喷洒一些柠檬草驱蚊剂,享受这难得的幽静。带上 一个特别的朋友观看日落,然后看看夜晚会带你去哪里。
  3. 阳明山:田园风情,从山地到田地 - 走出城市,在这美景中清空你的思绪
  4. 中和流浪动物之家:到户外来狗狗玩,还有更好的点子吗
  5. 象山:别躲懒了,快出门走走,无论是下雨还是酷热天,登上顶峰,让身心灵焕然一新。踏入大自然,抛开世间俗务,让你无比悦乐。

1. Ba-Yan Wild Springs

Let us elevate your weekend routine for relaxation by telling you about this hidden gem: There’s a secret trail close to Ba-yan Hot Spring Resort, and it leads to a wild, open-air, hot springs. Trust, it’s a wonder to behold.

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2. Maokong Gondola

Leave work and all that drama behind, take a leisurely ride up the MaoKong Gondola. Soak in the sights, sip on some Taiwanese High Mountain tea, and spray some lemongrass mosquito repellent before you head back to explore the city. Bring a special friend to watch the sunset, and then see where the night takes you.


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3. Yang Ming Shang

Some of the best countryside in the business, from hikes to farmland - escape the city and clear your mind here. It’s beautiful.


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4. Zong He Animal Shelter

Being outside and helping puppies..do we even need to tell you more?

5. Elephant Mountain

Don’t be lazy, get outside. Rain, heat, or more heat, it doesn’t matter...hiking  Elephant Mountain to take in the sights when you reach the top will keep your mind, body, and soul young and at peace. Scale a few steps and soak in the sounds of wildlife around you, you’ll be happy you stepped out of the norm when you’re brushing the clouds from the top.

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